The Grand Prix chapter is a specialty chapter of The Pontiac Oakland Club International. We are dedicated to Pontiac’s greatest personal sport luxury automobile. We have many technical advisers for all items Grand Prix. These advisers are always willing to lend a helping hand to your questions. Owning a Grand Prix is not a requirement to join our chapter. You are encouraged but not required to join POCI if not already a member. Membership is $15/yr. to receive 6 issues of the award winning ‘PRIX VIEWS’ bimonthly newsletter by E-mail in full color or $30/yr, for printed and mailed newsletters in B&W or $40/yr, for printed and mailed newsletters in full color. Feel free to contact any officer for additional information.
To join the Grand Prix Chapter fill out form below and submit. If there is any other information you wish to add please add it in the text box. I will send you an invoice for amount due and then you can pay with the PayPal button or send a check. May be a few days as this is a volunteer job. Watch your spam box for the invoice. Thanks Grand Prix Chapter Treasurer |
You can Pay your dues with PayPal after you get a receipt,
You do not need a PayPal account just a credit card.
It will call it a donation, that’s the way we had to set it up.